The Greatest Risk Of All

How does one, now in his golden years, find the strength to change from one religion to another?  THE GREATEST RISK OF ALL reveals one man's journey to seek the truth and find Yeshua, leading to his salvation.

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Author, Stanley Cohen, addresses his own personal testament of his spiritual quest to find the Lord.  The path that he follows leads him to the "Bible Belt" where he encounters an enchanting Christian daughter of Arkansas as well as a very spoiled Golden Retriever who provides the comic relief in this soul searching, very personal drama.
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One Sunday night, the Crabb Family, an evangelistic singing group sang and ministered at Russellville First Assembly of God.  Paige attended with Greg and Debbie.  After the service concluded, Paige approached Jason Crabb and told him that her husband was Jewish and did not know or believe in Jesus.  He took her by the hand and prayed asking Jesus to reveal himself to Scott either in a dream or some way that he might believe and accept him into his heart and life.  That night in a dream, Scott was standing next to the first step of a Christian church and watching well-dressed families walking in appearing to be very happy and anticipating greater happiness once inside the church.  "Why don't you go in?" asked a plain non-descriptive man who was standing on the third step.  Scott answered "But I'm Jewish!!!" the man replied "So am I".  Then the dream ended.

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The decision of converting from mainstream Judaism to Messianic Judaism was causing Scott a great amount of anguish.  He felt that if he was wrong, it would be blasphemy.  In the past he was quiet a risktaker, but in this case he wouldn't be risking money, he would be risking his soul.

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Scott saw a vision of Jesus wearing a white robe with jet black hair falling over his shoulders.  The light that surrounded Jesus was indescribably bright and its intensity was not earth like.  When he tried to remember it, he could recall everything except the intensity of the brightness of the light.  He could not duplicate the light....not even in his own imagination.

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